Political quiz
PRetty good quiz. Just wish there were a few more qestions and a better range on answers. But fun non the less.
I dont' really consider myself to be this way but hey makes you think!!
PRetty good quiz. Just wish there were a few more qestions and a better range on answers. But fun non the less.

I dont' really consider myself to be this way but hey makes you think!!
I fell somewhere in there too, more on the right side which really surprised me because I usually see myself on the left..
I think I tested on the right as a conservative, but with heavy libeterian leanings. Another test that I think is more honest, and which asks more of the important questions, is: http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=politicompass
Take it and let us know what you are! (I was right-conservative)
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